How to update containers using Portainer

If you want to automatically update your containers at specific interval, you can use this guide to install Watchtower, an app that will monitor your containers on specific interval and if there is any update available, will perform the update and restart your container.

But you can also have some important containers and you want to perform the update manually, to make sure is up and running after update.

In this guide i will show you how to manually update your containers using Portainer.

We are choosing to update our Plex container to latest version, if we check in the Plex interface we see there is an update available

To perform the update, open Portainer by typing in your web browser http://yournasip:19000
After you login on Portainer, go to Home, then click on your Local Environment

On the left menu go to Containers and then click on Plex container

From the Actions menu, click on Recreate

On the next window, togle the button Re-pull image and press on Recreate

If everything goes well, the container is sucessfuly re-created using the latest image and restarted

Once is started, we go to Plex interface and we see it was updated to the latest version

Posted in Ugreen.